How Invotec helped a contract manufacturer improve the accuracy of their inspection process for medical device components. The Challenge A contract manufacturer supplying critical pins for medical device assembly was given eight weeks by their largest customer to improve the accuracy and reliability of their currently manual inspection process. The stainless steel pins are .030” in diameter and require inspection for size, length, features, and coating, before shipment to the medical device manufacturer. Due to the small scale of the … Read More
Misconceptions About Automation
Over the last 25 years, we have watched automation technology evolve and deliver new possibilities to the assembly, inspection, and testing of medical devices. From force testing surgical devices to inspecting trocars for microscopic defects to loading drug delivery systems, automation helps complete intricate processes with repeatable results. Yet, according to many manufacturing trends, the medical device industry is slower to truly embrace automation than other fields. While most medical device manufacturers understand the benefits of shifting from manual processes … Read More
[FREE PASS] Join Us at MD&M Minneapolis
Join us at the largest medtech show in the Midwest. Invotec will be at the show highlighting the latest capabilities in assembly, test, and inspection equipment. Click the banner to get your FREE expo pass and join us at the show!
Join Invotec & BioOhio at Launch Dayton’s Startup Week
Invotec is excited to participate in Launch Dayton’s Startup Week, an upcoming event for small business and entrepreneurs. From September 13 – 16, community leaders advise Dayton’s startup founders, innovators, and small business owners on all aspects of growing their business and improving operations. Invotec has partnered with BioOhio to provide a track specifically for the medtech community. Join Noah Smith, Director of Business Development, as he presents, “Incorporating Automation into Medical Device Manufacturing.” Automation has the potential to improve … Read More
Semi-automated Equipment Line Outfitted to Run Multiple Devices
How Invotec helped one medical device manufacturer meet volume demands of two products with one line A large medical device manufacturer was ready to invest in an equipment line to produce their newest surgical device. However, with fluctuating volume demands on an existing device, the customer was looking for a line that could potentially handle both devices. Additionally, the equipment would be installed in a China-based facility where the customer would need access to both remote and in-person support. Invotec … Read More
Medical Device Assembly FAQs
Medical device manufacturing is precise and complex. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, we’ve compiled the answers to some of your most frequently asked questions when it comes to ensuring quality with automation: How do I determine the right level of automation? How do I design my product for vision? How can I improve my operators’ efficiency & consistency? How do I scale-up my production? Download our e-book to learn the answers.
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